Sunday, January 6, 2008

Has it really been 6 months?!?!?!

Seriously...has it really been 6 months since I posted anything here? PATHETIC!!! :( One of my new years resolutions is to post more regularly again. This is a great way to remember all the little daily things that I want to cherish always.

Also, tomorrow starts my "new life". I have quite a few resolutions this year. I'll be sure to post them all in the next day or so. I have just been so busy, stressed, and unfocused for the past 6-9 months. I really need to get my life back in order so that I can go back to the happy, easy-going person I once was. NOT the miserable, moody bitch that I am now. Seriously...I am SO moody! It doesn't take much to throw me over the edge right now. Most of it revolves around money issues, house issues, and of course, the 30 pounds I've put on in the past year. My biggest resolve right now is to start getting healthy again. I need to lose a TON of weight and start eating healthier. Not as much takeout and sitting on my butt. I need to lose at least 30 pounds as a short term goal and more like 45-50 for my long term "ideal" goal. Just losing a bit will help to make me feel better about myself. All of my clothes don't fit or fit like absolute garbage. It is so sad and pathetic that the only pants that fit me are some running pants and a pair of dress pants that I had to buy in a bigger size just so I would have something to wear to church. HORRIBLE!!!

SO...starting tomorrow....

~ Drinking only water/crystal light.
~ Healthier eating. Between 1200-1500 calories a day.
~ Track my calories daily.
~ Exercise at least 20-30 min a day 5-6 days a week.

Other than that...that's where I stand as of now. Starting over a new leaf and getting back in the groove. :) Hopefully I may actually get people to start reading this thing again too! LOL Happy New Year!!! {HUGS}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad your back! I was worried about you. ~~Cy